If you’ve sat through the three fun-filled hours of Excel’s grammar class, you’ve heard me mention After Deadline, the New York Times’ blog of its own grammatical snafus (If you didn’t hear it mentioned you weren’t paying attention!). I’ll link to it here because I think reading it is a great way to keep the rules of grammar fresh long after you’ve finished grammar school. Plowing cover to cover through a reference manual like Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, which I also mention in grammar class, can be surprisingly boring. But reading grammar rules in the context of the news can be, well, not that boring.
And reading it each week has reminded me that I shouldn’t start too many sentences with “but” or “and”. (Oops)
Notice that I’ve categorized this post under both “grammar” and “essay writing”. Poor grammar is by far the most common problem with students’ essays. Reading After Deadline will teach you to identify the mistakes that even professional writers often make — and help you avoid them in your own writing. Be sure to take a look at all the articles posted