Create your own major

Published Saturday, December 11, 2021 by Tarang

You can study animals by creating a major in Ethology at the University of Minnesota Everyone craves freedom, and all students use phrases like “I want to do what makes me happy.” Majors are no exception. Earlier this blog covered how one might go about choosing a major in the series “A Major Decision.” However, if you feel “boxed in” or limited by the already available majors at universities, you can create your own major. However, creating your own major is no easy task. You need to structure the major in such a way that… Continue Reading

A Major Decision (Part 2)

Published Saturday, December 4, 2021 by Tarang

Last time, I gave you some insight into the world of Greek and how the students in that show chose their major. One thing you may have noticed from the show (and through real life) is that experience is the best way to decide a major. As I mentioned previously, I had a biotech internship and I was always interested in biology since middle school, so it was clear that I wanted to do something in the biological sciences. However, as you can tell, the interest in a major starts with an interest in a… Continue Reading

A Major Decision (Part 1)

Published Saturday, December 4, 2021 by Tarang

You know you’re going to college when you start feeling like every decision you make is life changing. Looking back on my journey, I realize how much small decisions matter and how they may end up shaping the course of my life. One decision which all high school students think about is what their major will be in college. Even if they don’t think about this exactly, it definitely crosses the mind from time to time. What subjects do I like to study? Do I want to make a career out of this? Can I… Continue Reading