The SAT Makes College Admissions Fairer

Published Wednesday, November 27, 2024 by Briant Sarris

By Geoffrey Barto During the pandemic, many universities stopped using the SAT for admissions or made it optional. At the time, a lot of people believed this would make admissions more equitable. However, Dartmouth, one of the first universities to reinstate the SAT, found just the opposite. Dartmouth did an in-depth study on the effects of optional standardized tests. They determined that the SAT and ACT scores were a strong predictor for academic success at Dartmouth, indicated by a linear relationship with first-year GPA. More importantly, their study indicated that this outcome was the same… Continue Reading

Why should you still take the SAT/ACT?

Published Friday, January 14, 2022 by Briant Sarris

If you are looking to apply to college soon, you may be debating on whether or not you will take the SAT, especially since most of the universities you want to apply to may be test optional or test blind. So, what are the benefits of taking the SAT or ACT even if your school does not require a test score?    Many colleges, including those that are test optional or test blind, will use your provided standardized testing scores to award merit scholarships for incoming students. These scholarships can range from $1,000 to a… Continue Reading

Best Adapted Screenplay

Published Saturday, December 11, 2021 by Tarang

If you love movies and entertainment, then you probably tuned into the Academy Awards . And while you were probably gawking at Anne Hathaway’s constant costume changes and wondering why Nicole Kidman never ages, you may not have noticed that these Hollywood pros can actually help you get motivated too for Critical Reading. Hollywood employs some of the best critical readers around- screen writers, directors, and actors. Directors have to understand the nuances in the passages of a screenplay and make it a vision. Actors need to be able to read in-depth into their characters… Continue Reading

Summer Sessions

Published Saturday, December 11, 2021 by Tarang

Say goodbye to the cold chill that was characteristic of February and say hello to the sunny skies of April. It is also time for high school students to decide what they want to do this summer. Some will spend their time outdoors on family vacations. Others may take up coveted jobs or internships. Then there are those who wish to continue learning throughout the year and keep their brains sharp for the coming school year. Summer courses have multiple benefits. They allow you to take classes for fun, so you gain new and exciting… Continue Reading

Congratulations AMY YU on perfect ACT score

Published Saturday, December 11, 2021 by Chuck

Excel To a Perfect score

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