Published Saturday, December 4, 2021 by Tifinie


Excel is offering prep courses for the FE exam available to anyone with a computer and an internet connection.  For those of you who are interested, don’t miss this opportunity!  These courses are offered online with the goal of reaching engineers across the country through a live, interactive, online course.  As much as we would love to give all of our students the opportunity to attend a course in-person, not all of our students are in the San Francisco Bay Area.  The next best thing we can do is offer the same courses, instructed by the same teachers, fully online.  You can go to your local library, your office, or get comfy on your couch and be in the environment that is best for you while you study.

This course is for the following disciplines:  Civil, Chemical, Mechanical, and Other

Classes will be on Saturdays and Sundays from 8am until 4pm.  Students will attend a lecture in the morning and a second lecture in the afternoon and be given an hour-long lunch break between the two.  Classes do not meet every weekend, so be sure to mark the dates that classes do meet to ensure that you don’t miss anything crucial!

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