Best Adapted Screenplay

Published Saturday, December 11, 2021 by Tarang

If you love movies and entertainment, then you probably tuned into the Academy Awards . And while you were probably gawking at Anne Hathaway’s constant costume changes and wondering why Nicole Kidman never ages, you may not have noticed that these Hollywood pros can actually help you get motivated too for Critical Reading. Hollywood employs some of the best critical readers around- screen writers, directors, and actors. Directors have to understand the nuances in the passages of a screenplay and make it a vision. Actors need to be able to read in-depth into their characters… Continue Reading

A Foolproof Way To Increase Your Critical Reading Score

Published Saturday, December 4, 2021 by Adam

If you’re having a hard time with the SAT, I’ll bet that you have trouble solving the critical reading section. Critical reading is what we at Excel see people struggling with the most, and it’s easy to see why. Grammar and math consist of complicated but concrete rules that you can break down into recognizable patterns and strategies. Critical Reading is a different game. It requires abstract thinking, knowledge of archaic vocab, and a high tolerance for reading passages. So if you’ve practiced and practiced and you’re still not seeing your score rise, what should… Continue Reading