Congratulations Vineet Kosaraju!

Published Saturday, December 11, 2021 by Adam


Congratulations to Vineet Kosaraju, who received a perfect score on the SAT after taking Excel’s classes and practice tests!

Hailing from The Harker School, Vineet is heavily involved with the campus newspaper. “Last year I was a copy editor, which meant that I reviewed most of the articles before they went into print,” he said. “This year I moved to the online publication, where I’m one of the assistant tech editors. I review all of the articles that are based on science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, and sometimes business as well.”

In addition to his interest in journalism, Vineet is also an accomplished programmer and hopes to study computer science in college. “I like to do a lot of app development, specifically for iPhones,” he said. “My friends and I have made a few games. We actually made a homework manager for our school, since the current one that our faculty uses isn’t that great.”

Explaining his passion for programming, he told us, “I think it’s really interesting to see how you can make products by yourself. It doesn’t take that much effort. Once you understand the basics of programming, you can do all these amazing things, there’s not really a limit to the possibilities.”

When we asked Vineet about what he most valued from Excel, his answer was straightforward: “I know most classes you take outside of school are kind of boring or hard to understand, but Excel’s instructors made it really easy and fun. They were definitely some of the best instructors I’ve ever seen or had the opportunity to learn from. In terms of the class, I think it was really useful how we did lots of practice tests, and they gave us tips for anything that could happen on the SAT.” Vineet also mentioned Excel’s ExamClub as a crucial aspect of his preparation, saying he would attend once or twice a week to work through our 50+ official SAT exams.

We wish Vineet a bright future at the college of his choice!