Best Adapted Screenplay

Published Saturday, December 11, 2021 by Tarang

If you love movies and entertainment, then you probably tuned into the Academy Awards . And while you were probably gawking at Anne Hathaway’s constant costume changes and wondering why Nicole Kidman never ages, you may not have noticed that these Hollywood pros can actually help you get motivated too for Critical Reading. Hollywood employs some of the best critical readers around- screen writers, directors, and actors. Directors have to understand the nuances in the passages of a screenplay and make it a vision. Actors need to be able to read in-depth into their characters… Continue Reading

Movies go nerd!

Published Saturday, December 4, 2021 by Tarang

As a high school student, I assume you must be tired of studying all the time. I bet you’re always waiting for Friday: Jokes aside, check out some new movies which will get you thinking:   Source Code derives its name from text written in computer programming language. While the movie doesn’t explore computer programming language in-depth, hopefully it will be a good influence on your watching experience. The movie allows the viewer to explore ideas of time travel and technology.   The Adjustment Bureau explores concepts of fate, free will, religion, and politics…. Continue Reading